oregon dcbs
open enrollment ad campaign
grady britton
creative director:
jeff dooley

oregon’s department of consumer and business services needed to educate new and returning enrollees about the resources available for, and deadlines for enrolling in, healthcare for 2016. we executed a complete campaign—from digital ads to radio to lawn signs. the voice of the campaign is straightforward and informational, yet human and benevolent.

:15 videos
my favorite element was this series of video ads—one set of animated ads and one set of live-action. both feature narration, music, and sound effects, but are designed to be consumable while muted as well—since newsfeed ads typically auto-play without sound. i worked with jeff to concept the idea, visual style, and execution, then developed the scripts and on-screen text.

free local help

family status qualification

switch and save

sample digital ads
a few of the literally hundreds of pieces we created for the campaign.